Saturday Mornin’ Critiques


Kaffeine Coffee Company
707 Fulton St B, Indianapolis, IN 46202


Usually one Saturday a month at 1 pm. (check out our Meetup Page for details).

Our Guiding Principles

Check out the Rules of Write Club to learn about how we operate.

Rules of the Road

  • Your submission should be no longer than 3,500 words (if it’s a little over, that’s OK).
  • Your submission should be uploaded to the Slack site no later than the Thursday before the meeting.
  • Acceptable formats for your submission are .doc, .rtf, or .pdf.
  • You don’t have to submit something to attend the group. However, the Golden Rule applies: If you submit, you must read and critique the other submissions. NO EXCEPTIONS! We don’t work for free. Reciprocity is required.

The Slack Site

If you haven’t been to one of our events, you won’t get access to our Slack site, so you won’t be able to submit your work or get critiques. Once we’ve vetted you, we’ll hook you up. We have to get to know you before giving you the key to our kingdom. We are friendly and welcoming, and we promise not to bore you to tears. Give it a go. You won’t be disappointed.